Maria Lavithi

Entrepreneur in residence, MyBook Heroes

Maria Lavithi is an experienced entrepreneur, writer, and mentor to startups in the Cyprus ecosystem. After earning her degree in Creative Writing from Louisiana State University, U.S.A, she entered the business world in the U.S.A where she worked in Business Development, Marketing, and PR for global companies in the fields of Hospitality and Medical Sales for ten years.  

Maria founded Heroes Made 2019 in Cyprus, promoting the acquisition of Social-Emotional Skills in children. The platform is designed to be a zero-prep solution for educators while fun and engaging for children.  Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is vital for children as it empowers them with essential life skills such as self-awareness, emotional regulation, and interpersonal communication.  

These competencies form a crucial framework for understanding and managing emotions, establishing positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. SEL not only equips children to navigate their feelings but also fosters empathy and respect towards others. Additionally, by instilling a strong sense of self-worth and emotional intelligence, SEL is a preventive measure against mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. When children can identify, understand, and effectively handle their emotions, they are better prepared to face life’s challenges with resilience and confidence, reducing fear and fostering a positive outlook towards themselves and others. Throughout her career, Maria has been recognized with Teamwork, Leadership, Sales, Self-Development, and Customer Service awards.  

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