Our Criteria

Innovative product

  • The creation and the launch of a product or service that has the element of innovation
  • It is a new solution to a new problem or
  • It solves an existing problem in a new, innovative way.

Strong Team

  • Commitment: Invest significantly your personal time and work hard towards the creation of your company
  • Clear Roles: Contain Industry Knowledge, Business Skills, Software Developer Skills
  • Sense of urgency: Work fast, progress fast, deliver fast
  • Determination & perseverance: Show stamina and overcome difficulties and hardships

Global Outlook

  • Your product/service can scale up and has a global outlook - can eventually expand outside Cyprus in other countries
  • Has exit potential - offers the opportunity to investors to invest in you and exit later
  • Has specific Target Market: Is addressed and satisfies the needs of a specific portion of the consumer-base

Clear revenue model

  • Has realistic financial assumptions (“Know your numbers”)
  • Is targeted to revenue-generation and aims to eventually make profit
  • Ability to anticipate potential barriers/problems

Relationship with IDEA programme

  • Physical presence
  • Give, take and share culture
  • Attend sessions
  • Submit deliverables
  • Meet deadlines
  • Progress!

Eligible sectors

  • Financial and insurance technology – Fintech & Insuretech
  • Manufacturing
  • Real estate activities
  • Culture, Arts, Virtual museums
  • Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
  • Professional, scientific and technical activities (legal, accounting, consulting, research)
  • Blockchain
  • Sustainable Energy sector
  • Administrative and support service activities (renting/leasing etc)
  • AI, AR, ML
  • Water supply; sewerage; waste management and remediation activities
  • Public administration; compulsory social
  • Health Sector
  • Construction/ demolition
  • Public administration; compulsory social security
  • Tourism
  • Construction/ demolition
  • Education
  • Information and communication (software, video etc)
  • Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
  • Human health and social work activities
  • Agriculture, forestry, animal farming and fishing
  • Transporting and storage
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Mining and quarrying
  • Accommodation/ Hotels and food service activities
  • Other (as specified by the applicants)

Excluded Sectors or Persons

IDEA applies exclusions in relation to certain economic sectors and prohibits the establishment of a business relationship with certain persons (physical and/or legal), which are considered not to be compatible with the ethical or social basis of IDEA.

IDEA considers these restrictions important. The excluded sectors and persons shall be updated from time to time, at the absolute discretion of IDEA.

Excluded Sectors

  • Carrying out illegal activities (illegal under the laws or regulations for such production, trade or activity)
  • Producing or dealing in arms and military equipment (excluding sporting and antique guns)
  • Online pharmacy
  • Dealing with adult Entertainment (e.g. pornography)
  • Involved in human cloning even for research or therapeutic purposes or Genetically Modified Organisms (“GMOs”)
  • Buy-outs / expansions of existing companies, franchises of existing companies, commerce, retail, licensing agreements for distribution in a different geographical area, and subsidiaries of existing corporations are excluded.
  • Involved in fortune telling/medium activities
  • Virtual currencies
  • Involved in online casinos and equivalent enterprises such as betting houses, prize competitions, online gambling, online gambling related services (software providers, payment processing services, card acquires)
  • Research, development or technical applications relating to electronic data programs or solutions, which are intended to enable to illegally enter into electronic data networks or illegally download electronic data.

Excluded persons / Legal entities

  • A person who is convicted for a crime included in the predicate offences covered under the relevant Law in Cyprus.
  • A person who is subject to specific sanctions (EU, UN, OFAC, local lists).
  • Persons residing in the country illegally, without the legal permission of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, having entered the Republic in an illegal manner or otherwise.
  • Persons / legal entities that do not enjoy smooth and harmonious relationships in an appropriate professional context with IDEA and any of its partners in a way that it resulted in any loss of any kind to any of the parties or any damage to its reputation or other, or a non compliance with what has been agreed between the parties either orally or by contract has occurred.

Terms and Conditions For Participation

Participation in IDEA is governed by the provisions contained in the terms and conditions of this website as well as the additional terms of the IDEA participation agreement (Rules of the House) and the IDEA Success Fee Agreement which will be signed by the successful teams joining IDEA.

Legal Obligations Of Participants

Intellectual Ownership

Each team participant in IDEA states and guarantees that the application is submitted by him/her lawfully and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the call, having received necessary prior approvals, consents and / or licenses. Additionally, the participant declares that he/she holds the legal rights to the submitted business proposal and the presentation, use, display or in any way exploitation the business proposal is not violating intellectual or industrial property rights, trade secret or any other rights of others natural or legal persons, either domestically or abroad. The participant also declares that he/she has read the statement on personal data (see SECTION on personal data) and agrees with its content.

Active Participation

The team members will be the main business proposal and startup enterprise implementation team. Teams are expected to spend significant working time at the premises with at least a team member being present at frequent intervals. That person should ideally be the CEO and/or material shareholder(s), so that they benefit from IDEA facilities and services, but most importantly, for synergies and interaction between all admitted teams. At least one team member is expected to be present during the Stage A - Accelerator trainings, mentoring sessions, consultancy sessions, investor pitching and any type of event which contributes to their passing rate and will allow them to continue at IDEA throughout the 9-month term. The teams agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of access and use of the premises.

Only upon approval decision of IDEA, can members of the team be substituted and/or added with the implicit condition to fulfil above criteria.

Giving back to society

“Give, Share & Take” are integral parts of the IDEA culture. We place great emphasis on the important role of each startup, which is to become an example for others and gradually give back to the ecosystem, give back to the new startups. By their acceptance at IDEA, each startup team undertakes to offer the below, without the demand for remuneration:

  1. Offer assistance and help to other teams based on their own expertise, in a reasonable manner.
  2. Offer assistance to IDEA, as above.
  3. In cooperation with IDEA organise frequent events, if need arises.
  4. Mention IDEA in all its appropriate publicity (articles, interviews, etc.), to increase awareness for IDEA and continue to attract more entrepreneurs.


The staff of IDEA, its founders and its strategic partners are bound by the confidentiality clause of IDEA  MoU, the IDEA associates, evaluators, mentors, coaches and trainers are bound by confidentiality agreements with IDEA.

Any personal data submitted to IDEA, shall not be disclosed to third parties other than the above mentioned, except with the participants’ prior consent or in accordance with any Law or court order.

Right to the participants’ personal data

IDEA participants have the right to access and rectify their personal data and can contact for this purpose the Controllers of the personal data which is IDEA and BoC. Specifically, participants can contact the Manager of IDEA at the following address or/and telephone: IDEA, 36 Lykourgou str, 1011, Nicosia, Cyprus, tel: +357-22128144, email: info@ideacy.net.


The application and participation in IDEA constitutes an explicit and unreserved acceptance and consent of the Participants to the processing of their personal data by the above persons/companies in the manner and for the purpose mentioned above.


Once the evaluation process is completed, the selected teams, prior to the entry in IDEA should present any documents requested , in the discretion of IDEA, to verify or certify the accuracy of data declared (indicatively mentioned: identity card, proof of details in online CV, full legal documentation of the teams’ company if incorporated, clean police record, visa / residency / work permit, proof of address, or any other document that might be considered as necessary).

IDEA will examine the relevant documents and retain the right to disqualify a team that has not submitted any documents or enough documents from those requested. IDEA reserves the right, throughout the duration of the Programme, to request any additional evidence or legal documents it may deem necessary, under and for the purposes of conducting and implementing the Programme.